GluBoost Premium Glues - Buyer's Guide
GluBoost is a trusted brand in the woodworking industry, offering a range of innovative products designed to make woodworking easier and more efficient. With a focus on quality and performance, GluBoost products are formulated with the finest ingredients and undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet the highest standards.
Fill N' Finish Glues
GluBoost Fill n' Finish Ultra-Thin
Master Glu
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I’m a hobby woodworker that has a wood lathe and use CA glue, have definitely had the white haze on many turnings and had struggled many times getting the finish I wanted on a project. I’m definitely interested in trying this product, I have used CA glue to fill large voids on wood and looking forward in trying this brand.
Mike you mentioned longer open time did you mean cure time? If so is it the same as normal ca glue? I was looking for a glue that could “slightly” fill gaps but not need clamping; ive been doing some bowls with inserts of thee branches and it’s difficult to always clamp into a rounded surface and if your not fast enough the branch you turned already changes from its rounded shape leaving a gap.
Thanh you
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